Tuesday, October 28, 2008

The As, Bs, Cs and Ks in my Life

Modern day living is all about As, Bs, and Cs.
It is not as easy as one thinks!

Well.....here is something to link the 5cs to the newer 5bs !

I don't need a CAR, but I want a BMW
I don't need a CONDO, but I want a BUNGALOW
I don't need CASH but I want to own a BANK
I don't need to have a CAREER but I want to be a BOSS

It's interesting for you to read!
Most of you would have heard of the Singapore 5C's! :
Car, Condo, Credit Card(Gold), Cash and Career

Heard of the 5B's?
B - Body
B - Brain
B - Billionaire
B - Bungalow

And, and addition with the 5K's ...........
Kiasu (scared of losing)
Kiasee (scared of dying)
Kiabor (scared of wife)
Kiaboh (scared of having nothing)
Kiachenghu (scared of government)

We've been reading about the 5C's! and 5K's for Singaporeans,
now comes the 5 Numerals and Malaysia's equivalent...

Singapore's 'practice' for Simple Living :
1 - One Wife
2 - Two Children
3 - Three Bedroom Condo
4 - Four Wheels
5 - Five Figure Salary

Malaysia's Malays 'practice' to Simple Living:
5 - Five Children
4 - Four Wives
3 - Three Figure Salary
2 - Two Wheel
1 - One-Storey Link House

My manager, Aveline Tan, sent me the above interesting email and after reflecting, I would like to come up with the As, Bs, and Cs in my own life.

The 5cs are:

Charisma - charm that endears me to others despite my overweight body and plain looks.

Committment - to carry out my committment in my volunteer work as well as real estate work.

Compassion - to always retain that soft spot in my heart for others and not to become a hard boiled egg.

Communication - to always express myself clearly and sincerely whether in speech or in writing.

Christlikeness - to emulate the Lord's wonderful examples of love and generosity.

The 5bs are :

Boldness - the courage to conquer and overcome all obstacles in life

Beacon - to help show the way as a beacon of light, and be an encourager to the discouraged, depressed and desperate.

Benevolence - to be generous and giving, for no one is too poor to give....giving can be in so many forms - cash and kind, time, talent.

Beauty - even if one has no external beauty, one can work on his inner beauty that shines and defies aging and wrinkles.

Bubbliness - to bubble with life and excitement and not let the fizz go off. Life is too short to be sad and depressed for even a moment. Happiness is an attitude and is never dependent on circumstances. If we have to wait on happenings to take place, we will be inclined to be miserable because the world is often full of disappointments, disasters, and disillusionment. I want to bubble with joy and hopefully, to infect others with my bubbliness.

My five K's:

Kia Lau Kooi (Making a fool of myself and not delivering what I have promised).

Kia Bo Seng Li (Scared of having little or no business)

Kia Puah peh (Scared of sickness)

Kia Bo Cheng Kor (Scared of not wearing my pants due to dementia, forgetfulness and senility)

Kia Huan (Scared of war)

My practice for simple living:

One dog

Two bedroom HDB flat

Three most treasured items: Piano, violin and computer

Four figure income.

Five significant others : God, Relatives, friends, colleagues, and Acquaintances

May God bless me with my heart's desires! Above all, let me always be grateful and contented and not to forget to count my blessings and name them one by one.

Gan Chau

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