Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Please Save the Sumatran Forests .....Recyle! Recyle!

Recently, I was very happy when I went to my favourite supermarket, Sheng Siong. Someone asked for an extra plastic bag as he claimed that the things were somewhat heavy. The salesgirl pointed to the sign which read as, "Every Wednesday is BYOB - bring your own bag!" I thought it is a wonderful idea to do a little to help save the world. I smiled because when I was in Canada as a student, I learnt that BYOB meant, "Bring your own booze!"

I came across this video which is quite mind-boggling and touching. Let us not take the world for granted. Let us help save the animals and the trees. By doing so, we are also doing ourselves a big favour. I am filled with heartache whenever I see people wasting like as if there is no tomorrow. Lights and airconditioners are left turned on even when no one is around. Lovely buildings get demolished just to make way for higher rise buildings! Tons of papers get thrown away instead of being recycled. The cleaners had complained they often found stacks of newspapers thrown down the rubbish chute! Why can't these people leave them outside their homes for the cleaners to take away for recycling?

If all of us unite together to play our little part, much can be achieved cohesively. Hence, before you throw away that piece of paper, plastic utensil, wooden furniture, etc. think of the 3R.....reuse, recreate and recycle!

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