Sunday, June 08, 2008

A Sunny Ride on a Cheerful Bike!


I invited my tenant, Ashok and his friend, Jasmin for a simple lunch at the Temporary Tekka Market Centre, just a stone's throw away from my apartment.

It was still drizzling when we were walking back after lunch. We saw an interesting bike parked along the road. Pedestrians who passed by also showed interest in looking more closely at the bike. I took out my digital camera and took some shots, at the same time wondering about the owner of the bike. Is the owner a lady or a man? Just as we were looking around, I saw someone taking refuge from the rain in one of the shops across the road. I pointed to the bike and asked if it belonged to him. "Ashok, that must be the owner!" "Let's cross the road and talk to him", Ashok suggested.

We found the owner a friendly and cheerful cheerful as the sunflowers displayed all over his bike. He was literally beaming with pride. He told us his name is Soh Eng Beng, and he has a penchant for flowers, especially sunflowers. I shared that I have a friend, Chan Aik Hoon, who is also called Sunflower. She likes sunflowers because they always look towards the Son!

May God bless you, Mr. Soh, with many sunny and safe rides on the road.
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