Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Aunty Toby
Toby, with her cute facial expression
I bought a packet of rolled oats with honey and nuts from the NTUC and on the packet were the words, "Uncle Toby".
Hence, we decide to call Toby, "Aunty Toby". Toby and my next door neighbour's dog, Bobby, are often at logger heads.
When Bobby comes to the door, both dogs will try to out snarl and out bark one another. My flat is Toby's territory, but of course, Aunty Toby does not know that Bobby might be feeling that she is trespassing. Why? Bobby has been a regular visitor to my home. Each time, after his walk, he would run to the gate of my apartment first before he heads for his owner's home. "Usually male dogs don't take kindly to each other", I said to Bobby's owner, Irin.
"Ay, I thought Toby is a female dog?" queried Irin.
"Yes, yes, you're right. I always forget as Toby is a masculine name."
My neighbour, Helen, who lives two units away from me, always says that Toby is a good guard dog for Toby will always bark at her each time she passes by. However, beneath all that fierce bark, Toby is a toothless terror! She is actually very timid.! My tenant, Jasmin, once told me that Toby jumped up when I sneezed! I was not even sneezing next to her in the living room. I was in my bedroom! Sometimes when we watch horror or exciting movies, I would scream and Toby will jump up. Whenever it rains heavily or when there is thunder and lightning, Toby would try to wake me up for she wants the comfort and security of sleeping next to me. I would have no choice and would pick her up and she would sleep contentedly on my bed till morning.
Toby is defintely not 100 per cent a pure pug. Her face and body is not as wrinkled and because of this, she is not as smelly, for the massive folds in pugs cause bad body odour. Morever, the faces of pugs are usually quite big; but in Toby's case, her body is bigger than her face. Hence the whole combination makes her really cute and adorable. Whenever I take her for walks, people would stop and pat her and some would just smile at her cuteness.
Toby will be leaving for Dubai around 7th of October. I worry about how she would be able to cope with the flight, as she is such a timid dog. Recently I watched the movie, "Quill" and learnt that Quill's owner gave her a tranquilizer jab so that she would sleep throughout the 6 hour train journey. Hence, I will be writing to Toby's owner and request that Toby be given a tranquilizer jab so that she could sleep throughout the flight and not get stressed or frightened.
I am glad that Toby will be reunited with Gayatri and family soon. "She's family", Gayatri proudly declared. I love dog owners like Gayatri, who would not spare any cash or effort to continue with their love and responsibility for their pet. I would have loved to adopt Toby, but Toby's and Gayatri's interest must come first. In the meanwhile, I thank God everyday for the opportunity and joy of having looked after Toby for almost 3 months.
Aunty Toby, I am going to make a deer cutlet out of you for you are such a dear!
Posted by
The Oriental Express
11:11 am
Hey, Gurmit! You Also Don't Play, Play....Can?
I was so happy when I reached the Little India MRT and congratulated myself for being just on time to catch the train to Serangoon where I am having once a month ensemble rehearsal at the Braddell Heights Community Centre.
There were only two of us waiting for the train. It was peak hour....about 6.45p.m. and many passengers alighted at the Little India MRT station. Just as the lady and I were about to enter the train, the doors closed on us!
The lady and I looked at each other, annoyed and perplexed! The train was not crowded since many passengers had alighted. "Hey Gurmit, we let you and and friends come out first, but now we have no chance to get into the train! Next time, law-abiding Choo will go into the train when some of you are coming out!"
I guess I would not have minded at if I had the time to kill. But I had wanted to reach Braddell Heights Community Centre by 7.00p.m. so that I could lend a helping hand to arrange the chairs and music stand for our string ensemble. Now I have a phobia that the train will move off before I could enter. I find myself trying to enter the train when some passengers have come out of the train, leaving a few slow ones to trail along. As they say, "Once bitten, twice shy".
Posted by
The Oriental Express
9:22 am
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Yours Truly, Uniquely Singapore!
Although I like the coffee and bread with butter and kaya at Killiney Road Kopitiam which is located at Killiney Road, I hardly patronise the cafe. It is usually very warm inside as there are only a few fans on the walls. Once a friend invited me to the cafe and I kept wiping the beads of perspiration on my forehead. The heat was enhanced by the toasting of bread in the kitchen.
I would look around and was amazed at how happy and contented customers were at the cafe, enjoying the food and drinks. No one complained about the warmth and heat.! However, if customers should find the airconditioning a little warm in a supposedly airconditioned restaurant, they would make a lot of noise!
Hence, I am now extremely happy because some of the franchisees of Killiney Road Kopitiam and Ya Kun Kaya are located in shopping malls and hence I can enjoy my food and coffee in cool airconditioning.
If Killiney Road Kopitiam wants to keep the fans, the operators should at least have ceiling fans which give better ventilation.
Gan Chau
Posted by
The Oriental Express
11:17 pm
Monday, September 28, 2009
My Beautiful Mother
A lovely photo of mother, taken when she was in her early twenties.
Mother was the village belle. As my grandparents were Peranakan, mother often wore sarong kebayas on formal occasion. For casual wear, she would often wear a sarong with a blouse. For weddings and other grand events, mother would wear her beautifully embroidered kebayas with beaded shoes.
Papa often loved to share with us how he first met mother. One day, he boarded a bus and when he casually turned around, lo and behold, there was this attractive and beautiful lady sitting at the back of the bus. Papa could not take his eyes off the young lady; hence he kept turning around. Later mother alighted from the bus, and papa could have spanked himself for not having the courage to ask her for her contact.
A few days later when papa was playing badminton in the school hall, he thought he heard someone calling him, "Beng Soo! Beng Soo!" He looked up the balcony of the hall and lo and behold, there was the beautiful lady waving to his badminton partner, Beng Choo!
It was love at first sight for papa. He was smitten! Papa was thrilled that the lady of his dreams had appeared once more, and she was a friend of his colleague! The rest, as they say, is history.
Like most typical Peranakan ladies, mother was an excellent cook. She was also adept at craftwork - sewing, making beaded shoes, handbags, etc.
Hence, from papa's experience, you can understand why he often liked to share that if something is meant to be ours, it is ours. If not, let it fly away; if it is meant to be ours it will come back to us. In brief, we just do our best, and let Providence and God do the rest.
Gan Chau
Posted by
The Oriental Express
11:16 pm
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Happiness is ...... (7)
I was thrilled when I received an email response to my latest article, "A Time and Season for Everything ..." Wow I have just got to know Constance quite recently, through my client, Geok Sim. Constance is such a mountain of encouragement, clearly a lady endowed with the spirit of Barnabas, the apostle known for his gift of encouragement.!
Letters as the one below always make me very happy, and lift me to great heights of joy. They spur me on to try harder to improve, to change my mindset, and to scale new heights.
Yes, Constance, I will first of all, go for the much-prolonged and delayed visit to my doctor and eventually to a specialist to check on the pain in my left leg and hip. I am now determined to embark on a course of doing something to improve my health and well-being so that I can continue to do the things I enjoy.
Thanks Constance for your encouragement and I am sure your letter will also encourage my readers to soar to greater heights of trying out new things and living life to the fullest!
Dear Choo Choo,
You have indeed done many things. I do not even have the stamina to do any marathons or climbing stairs. Just reading yr entry makes me a bit tired..heheh.
U have also travelled well. Congrats.But please Choo Choo
DO NOT GIVE let me tell u that my mother in law is 61 this yr.She learned to roller blade in her 50s.
She can also dive and recently has returned from a skiing trip.
My husband's step father is 67. This January, he had a skiing trip of a lifetime.
He went heli skiing in Canada.
Many weekends in Sydney, when U ask what they have done, they will tell U some cycling..when in fact it would like 40km-50km.
When I was in France, I met my Danish friend's parents. 70 yr old mother who was a Professor in a university but retired and took up a second career blowing glass....not kidding.
His father, then was 72..would go walking each day in the french country side and twice a yr would go to Venice and one other country for the arts exhibition. Somehow, these folks never seem to know that they are old.
I am sure you too can conquer the pains in yr joints.
My mother in law believes in "If U don't use it, you would lose it "
I hope it is OK that I reply to yr blog. I am not sure if replying in this email is OK.
DO let me know if I have breached protocol OK?
Warmest Regards
Constance from Rainy Perth
Posted by
The Oriental Express
12:58 pm
Saturday, September 19, 2009
A Time and Season For Everything ....
Recently, I had excruciating pain in my left leg. The pain had been with me for some time, and I noticed that I could not walk for too long a distance without sitting down for a little while. Yet I am still happy and thankful. I am grateful that I had done most, if not all, of the things that I had wanted to do. I guess there is a time and season for everything.
I am taking my eldest sister to Korea this January as she has always wanted to see snow. Though I might be tempted to try and ski, I should refrain from doing so. I am thankful that I had learnt to ski when I was studying in Canada, and would say that I was quite good at the sport, although I had never skied prior to going to the beautiful land with four seasons.
Now when I see announcements about marathons and big walk, I am glad that I had participated in so many walking and sporting events. My ex-student, Choon Mui and I participated in events organised by the New Paper, and other various organisations. Now I laugh as I recall the time we had participated in an event which we thought was a 10 km run. However, as we kept going towards Changi, we became quite puzzled. We asked an officer on duty and he told us that it was a 22 km run! Both of us persevered and completed the race! There was also the time we participated in the first vertical marathon - climbing 1336 steps of the then Westin Hotel at City Hall. I still have the T-shirt on which were printed the words, "I climbed the world's highest hotel and took the lift down." What a great 360 degree view from the helipad!
Probably after taking sister to Korea, I would not want to be travelling long distance again. I am contented with having travelled to 38 countries the past two decades. I remember having told a fellow traveller at the Great Wall of China that I was glad I could have the opportunity to climb the Wall, for if I were to travel later, it would be too tedious. There were 24 of us in the tour group, and although we ate well, all of us lost weight as there was much walking and climbing! A 55 year old lady has much less energy than a 35 year old lady! It would appear that once we pass the age of 40, every five years make a difference in terms of energy and strength.
I am glad that I had also put in all my effort to complete my projects in my toastmasters' program and am now on the last leg of my journey towards achieving the Distinguished Toastmasters' certificate. Now with my limited energy, I find it quite tiring to have long days. I prefer to stay at home to laze before the television in the evenings, or to write and read. Perhaps as an agent, I have to answer so many phone calls and hence I just want to be quiet when I am at home. If I were not watching any television serial or program, I ejoyed playing the violin or piano, or spending time in the kitchen to cook a dish for a toastmasters' meeting. Of course, there is that daily few minutes of tending to the herbal plants which I grow outside of my apartment. Any activity so long as I don't have to speak.!
Perhaps Toby will be the last dog that I am dog sitting as I find it tiring to bend down to shower her. Now with my increasing backaches and pain in the leg, it is not the most ideal to keep pets. Am glad that I had the joy of keeping 3 dogs as pets. The love of Kamlette, Kambobo and Kam Xiaobai will be forever etched in my memory!
Hence, I would encourage all my readers to make full use of their time and youthfulness. Do not procrastinate, for time flies. Before you realise it, ten years have passed by and yet another decade more. Plan your time well, and be vigilant with the use of your time. At times, just do it! Grab every opportunity that presents itself! Carpe diem! Seize the moment! Live life to the fullest! There is a time and season for everything!
Gan Chau
Posted by
The Oriental Express
11:19 am
Friday, September 18, 2009
Murder of the English Tongue! (3)
I received the following email from a friend who is also an avid toastmaster. On a more serious note, though the letter is hilarious, it shows how difficult the English Language could be. Sometimes, I compare learning the English Language with playing the piano - easy to learn, but quite difficult to master. This is why non native speakers of English can come up with words like "paining" and some Singaporeans are quite creative when they combine some words in dialect and Malay, and make them sound somewhat English eg. "chopeing (reserving of seats), makaning, (eating) etc.
My advice to my readers who yearn to improve and master the English Language is to remember the 3 Rs ie. Read, wRite, Remember. With books, magazines and papers that are abundant in the market - we should all have great access to reading materials. Now with everything that can be found in the web, we are spoilt for choice!
'Thanks Bilora,
I laughed till my left hip ached. Been having leg and hip pain for the past 3 weeks. Hope my laughter has removed some of the toxin that had caused part of the pain!
I can imagine my Indian tenants, Ashok, Avinesh, Jasmin, Jayeeta and Kumaran and all my Indian friends laughing their hearts out. Mine is not so bad as I am laughing only my hip out!
Cheers and having a roaring, great week end! TGIF !!
This is a collection of leave letters and applications written by people in various places of India ...
1. Infosys, Bangalore : An employee applied for leave as follows:
Since I have to go to my village to sell my land along with my wife, please sanction me one-week leave.
2. This is from Oracle Bangalore:
From an employee who was performing the "mundan" ceremony of his 10 year old son: "as I want to shave my son's head, please leave me for two days.."
3. Another gem from CDAC. Leave-letter from an employee who was performing his daughter's wedding:
"as I am marrying my daughter, please grant a week's leave.."
4. From H.A.L. Administration dept:
"As my mother-in-law has expired and I am only one responsible for it, please grant me 10 days leave."
5. Another employee applied for half day leave as follows:
"Since I've to go to the cremation ground at 10 o-clock and I may not return, please grant me half day casual leave"
6. An incident of a leave letter
"I am suffering from fever, please declare one day holiday."
7. A leave letter to the headmaster:
"As I am studying in this school I am suffering from headache. I request you to leave me today"
8. Another leave letter written to the headmaster:
"As my headache is paining, please grant me leave for the day."
9. Covering note: "I am enclosed herewith..."
10. Another one:
"Dear Sir: with reference to the above, please refer to my below..."
11. Actual letter written for application of leave:
"My wife is suffering from sickness and as I am her only husband at home I may be granted leave".
12. Letter writing: -
"I am in well here and hope you are also in the same well."
13. A candidate's job application:
"This has reference to your advertisement calling for a ' Typist and an Accountant - Male or Female'...As I am both(!! )for the past several years and I can handle both with good experience, I am applying for the post.
Gan Chau
Posted by
The Oriental Express
8:56 am
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Happiness is ......(6)
I have always told my friends and relatives that perhaps God must love dogs the most. Theologically I do not have any evidence, but only imagination provides me with the evidence. For dogs are always so loving, and best of all, loving unconditionally. You may be the fattest, ugliest or most insecure of human beings; but to your dog you are everything! For dogs are always so forgiving. They bear no grudges and come to you immediately even after being punished. I remember chiding my pet, Kamlette, and she lowered her head with sadness. The moment I said, "Ok! You are forgiven!" Kamlette ran to me and licked me all over the face, as if saying, "Thanks, I love you!" Dogs score top marks in faithfulness! I would not blame a friend of mine who said, "I have more faith in my dog than in my spouse!"
Hence when I recieved an email from Rev. Samuel Sia which shows the above u-tube song, I was so thrilled that someone shares the same thoughts as me.
For readers who have a phobia for dogs, I would encourage to try and overcome your phobia. For readers who have yet experience the joy of having a dog as a pet, I would encourage you to have one. Having a pet is therapeutic, and it has been established that pet owners are more inclined to have better health.
Posted by
The Oriental Express
11:27 am
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Embracing Imperfection
My ex-English lecturer, Dr. C. Scharenguivel sent me an article which I thought my readers should find interesting.
When I was a little boy, my mom liked to make breakfast food for
dinner every now and then.
And I remember one night in particular when she had made breakfast
after a long, hard day at work.
On that evening so long ago, my mom placed a plate of eggs, sausage,
and extremely burned toast in front of my dad.
I remember waiting to see if anyone noticed!
Yet all my dad did was reach for his toast, smile at my mom, and ask
me how my day was at school.
I don't remember what I told him that night, but I do remember watching
him smear butter and jelly on that toast and eat every bite!
When I got up from the table that evening, I remember hearing my mom
apologize to my dad for burning the toast.
And I'll never forget what he said. 'Baby, I love burned toast.'
Later that night, I went to kiss Daddy good night, and I asked him if he
Really liked his toast burned. He wrapped me in his arms and said, 'Little
Buddy, your Momma put in a hard day at work today and she's real tired.
And besides-a little burnt toast never hurt anyone!
You know, life is full of imperfect things...and imperfect people.
I'm personally am not the best at some things either.'
What I've learned over the years is that learning to accept each other's
Faults - and choosing to celebrate each other's differences -
Is the one of the most important keys to creating a healthy, growing,
And lasting relationship.
We could extend this to any relationship in fact - as understanding
is the base of any relationship, be it a husband-wife or parent-child or friendship!!"
Don't put the key to your happiness in someone else's pocket -
But into your own. No one else can MAKE you happy,
Your happiness is a choice you make.
People will always forget what you do, and they will always forget what you
Say, but they will never, ever forget the way you make them feel.
Truly life is too short for any of us to be uptight with each other's shortcomings.
It is important for us to give each other space for errors and imperfection. Perfectionists are seldom happy because they are so engrossed with their perfection that they end up missing many things. Truly, it is the journey and the effort that are of paramount importance afer all.
Posted by
The Oriental Express
12:25 am
Friday, September 11, 2009
Excuse Me, Are You A Property Agent? ....(11)
One of the most popular questions that buyers like to ask is, "Why is your client selling?"
What answers are they expecting? Why are buyers filled with suspicion when an owner wants to let go his unit? What relevance has the question? If there are answers like, "My owner is becoming a bankrupt soon; or banks are after my client, or the apartment is huanted" would agents really reveal to potential buyers.? Hence, the question need not be posed at all.
Sometimes, tongue-in-cheek, I would reply, "For the same reasons why you are buying! In any case, if my client is not selling, how would you have the opportunity to buy this property?"
Perhaps a more pertinent question to ask is, "Is the property of good value, and do I like it?"
It is even more precarious when I market properties with enbloc potential. For buyers would be even more overly suspicious why owners are letting go when they stand to gain much profit from the enbloc. Of course enbloc properties come with a higher than valuation price. Very often the cash above value would amount to almost 10 to 15% of the valuation price. A shrewd buyer will not mind paying the cash above value because at the end of the day, he is the one who will be laughing all the way to the bank.
Sometimes I tell the potential buyers that by the time, I answer their question as to why my client is selling, my client would probably be in the process of transacting another unit. This is how fast shrewd investors move. They do not ask redundant questions; they analyse on their own, irrespective of market reports; they feel the pulse of the movement of real estate. I enjoy serving these shrewd investors because they are very decisive and know exactly what they want.
However, I also do not mind serving clients who could be quite green in real estate investments. It is a test of my patience and ability to explain and to convince. There are some who are quite teachable; there are others like the previous doctor, who will always adhere to whatever little knowledge they have. And as they say, a little knowledge could sometimes be dangerous.
C'est la vie. This is what makes my life so interesting as an agent. Everyday I am learning new things from shrewd and experienced investors. Even from new investors, for "every man I meet is my superior, in that, I learn of him."...Emerson.
Gan Chau
Posted by
The Oriental Express
12:14 pm
Tuesday, September 08, 2009
We hear when we love.........
Once I sleep, I am like a piece of wood. Lightning and thunder cannot wake me up.
Once when I was studying in Canada, my flatmates were filled with envy when everyone except me, woke up because of the din caused by police siren. Someone was badly assaulted at the car park. When the fire alarm was accidentally triggered, I slept right through! I only woke up when my flatmates banged continuously on my door for a few minutes. "Choo, if there were really a fire, you would be a human charcoal by now!" said Jeffrey with sheer exasperation.
When I met my cousin, Swan, in Kuala Lumpur, she recalled the incident when I rolled off the bench while sleeping, and despite landing on the floor with a resounding thud, I never even stirred and continued to sleep.!
When I was in Primary Five, I could hear and see papa's pain and sadness. I took my little piggy bank and broke it, giving papa all my coins which I had painstakingly put aside each day. Papa was touched by my little gesture and to this day, I could still remember the joy on his face. Papa was relieved that his youngest child could sense his worries and hear the cries in his heart.
Yet, when I first adopted my first pet puppy, Kamlette, I woke up the moment she whimpered in the middle of the night for want of food. Her slightest bark would wake me up as I checked on her towels which could be wet from urination.
A couple of years ago, eldest brother visited Singapore and stayed with me. Since my tenants were still staying with me, I let brother have my room while I slept in the living room. One early morning I heard brother calling my name. I woke up and was alarmed to find that he had slipped and fallen on the kitchen floor and was feeling unwell.
Now I am dog-sitting Toby, the cute and lovely pug belonging to Gayatri. Toby is a timid and affectionate dog and follows me around the flat. Hence, her bed is at the foot of my bed. Once I heard her whimpering and woke up to find a frightened little dog, shivering because of the heavy rain. Toby, like most dogs, is terrified of lightning and thunder.
Hence from the above, I can conclude that we hear when we love......Hence, let us continue to "hear" the unspoken words and pain of our loved ones. Sometimes, our loved ones find it hard to voice the pain and sufferings which are bottled up. Let us not just hear with our ears or see with our eyes, but use all our faculties when we interact with one another. Hence relationship with one another will be enhanced and bonding becomes stronger.
Gan Chau
Posted by
The Oriental Express
9:20 am
Monday, September 07, 2009
Excuse Me....Are You a Property Agent? ......(10)
When my mobile rang, I saw the name. It was a surgeon who had come to view my Mirage Tower unit some six months ago.
"Yes, Doc.?"
"Hi, is that Choo.? You still have the unit at Mirage.? At $1.75 million I think it is a good price."
"No, Doc. I had sold it some six months ago, and in fact the buyer had already sold it off at a handsome profit. Now, the units of this size are transacting at $2.1 million."
"Please let me know when you have another unit like this."
As an agent I am very particular in qualifying my clients, otherwise I will be wasting a lot of time and energy. There are brilliant people like the doctor but when it comes to property investment, they are not so brilliant. The tragedy is that they think their brilliance applies to every field. They forget that patients go to them because patients do not know much about medicine. As such when they want to buy properties they should also realise that they are not experts in the field of real estate. Hence the best thing is to trust a reliable agent. As for me, I am not so knowledgeable in the area of stocks and shares. Hence, if I want to buy some stocks, I would seek the advice of my stockbroker.
I remember distinctly that when the doctor came to view my client's unit, I had told him that it was a reasonable buy, and that the price of properties would go up. But he kept complaining that the price was still quite high and that he believed the price of properties would go down! Now six months later, he called me and even asked me if the unit was still available at the same price!! I guess after having seen so many units, it only dawned upon him that indeed he should have bought the unit when it was offered to him six months ago!! In a buoyant market, how could a property be still available at the same price tag?
Anyway......we are living in a beautifully imperfect world. At times like this, I do not know whether to laugh or cry. This is what makes my work as a real estate agent so interesting.
Gan Chau
Posted by
The Oriental Express
10:18 am
Thursday, September 03, 2009
Happiness is ......(5)
Miss Lim Choo Li, looking resplendent and graceful in her Chinese outfit.
Miss Lim with her dexterity and musicality, transports her audience to another world!
Mr. Yan Yin Wing, my violin teacher, passed me a brochure and invited me to a lunch time concert by Lim Choo Li. She specialises in guzheng performance. And wow! What a terrific display and mastery of the Chinese instrument.!
The 45 minutes concert with free admission, was organised by Grace (SCC) Church at Queen Street, and the audience was mesmerised by the music. I love the piece, "The Dusk Song of Fishing Boats" by Lou Shu Hua. When Choo Li played "Jesus Loves Me" on the guzheng, I was in tears. This was the first time I heard my favourite hymn played by such a talented musician on the guzheng. The music was just heavenly!
Braddell Heights Community Centre also conducts beginners' course in guzheng. I have always wanted to learn to play the guzheng. Maybe I will wait until I have passed my Grade 5 violin and then start learning the Chinese instrument.
What is life without music! Music makes my world go round! It makes my world more colorful and beautiful! What a wonderful way to spend lunch time.! If I could go for lunch time concerts everyday, I should be able to shed more weight when I bask in the enjoyment of the performance, and spend less time on eating! :-)
Lunch time concert, anyone?
Gan Chau
Posted by
The Oriental Express
10:52 pm
Wednesday, September 02, 2009
Happiness is .....(4)
The cute bulldogs I met at Pacific Mansion, while waiting for clients.
A handsome husky! I just love huskies!
A beautifully groomed and pampered Shih Tzu.
The affectionate and self-appointed guard dog of brother's condominium, Vista Ria, in Penang. Edward, a stray, became the lucky mascot and guard dog. Everyone dotes on him.
I just love dogs and always feel happy when I am with one. After my three pets, Kamlette, Kambobo and Kam Xiaobai passed away, I was always on the look out for dogs and hope to meet one when I was walking along the road. I notice that in some residential estates there are more dogs than others.
Hence it was a great joy for me when I came across an owner walking her two bull dogs at Pacific Mansion. The dogs were only 10 months old and hence were very active, innocent and friendly. Another owner was walking her husky. Even though I had to wait for my clients for almost 25 minutes, I was cheerful and thankful, for it would have been my umpteenth visit to Pacific Mansion, and it was the first time I met the bull dogs and husky. After watching the movie, "Ironwill", a true story about a young man's determination to win the race across Canada with his pack of huskies, I grew to be fond of the breed. Huskies look like they have eyeshadows above and below their eyes! God is so creative....He creates dogs with unique beauty and assets. Some dogs like the bull dogs and my little Toby make me laugh whenever I see them for they look so cute and adorably stupid. But mind you, they are very intelligent.
In countries like America, England, France, Canada and Australia, I met even more dogs whenever I was out in the parks. Once I was in Melbourne and second sister, Ean Ean, took me to the park. There were so many dogs with their owners out for a morning walk, and I found myself patting and talking to these dogs and their owners, much to my sister's dismay. "Choo, are you really out for a morning walk, or morning talk".
"Both, sis," I replied as I started running.
I wish more people in Singapore would grow to love and appreciate dogs. It would help to increase their happiness index to some degree.
Gan Chau
Posted by
The Oriental Express
8:22 am
Tuesday, September 01, 2009
Happiness is ......(3)
I had always found it pleasing to shop at my favourite supermarket, Sheng Siong. When Sheng Siong had fewer outlets, I used to drive all the way to Bedok to buy some groceries!
Hence, I was delighted to find a Sheng Siong outlet when I moved to Little India. Now that Tekka Mall has been
renovated, it has been replaced with a new name, "The Verge".
With the new renovation, the space has increased and it is a pleasure walking through the wide aisles of neatly arranged goods. Best of all, Sheng Siong has now added a new section - flowers, flowering plants and all related paraphernalia, eg. pots, fertilisers, windmill, etc. The bright and lovely colours have made the supermarket even more pleasant to shop in! The above pictures are evidence of what shoppers can find when they are at the supermarket. The price of the plants and paraphernalia is most reasonable.
Frankly speaking, I dislike grocery shopping, but now I find myself looking forward to shopping for grocery. Happiness is walking through the aisle of flowers and lovely plants. Before, I used to rush to Sheng Siong and to rush back home, but now I take a little longer to smell and admire the flowers!
Posted by
The Oriental Express
12:04 am