Saturday, July 14, 2007

Uniquely Made (1)

Tonight, I am beginning my new series on the topic "Uniquely Made". God has created everyone of us in his own style and fashion....none of us has similar finger prints. When you look at finger prints, all you see are swirls of patterns, yet in this heavily populated world, no two people have the same finger prints!

Some people are made more differently from others. Due to this they are labelled as freaks. I do not wish to label these people as freaks. I would rather say that they are uniquely made.

Hence, what better way to begin than to write the first article about myself. Every morning, I must have a cup of coffee before I begin the day. I can go without bread or noodles, but that one cup is a must have. If not, I will feel somewhat sleepy. The cup of coffee is like a "perk-me-up" and sets me in a great mood to begin the day.

Yet, in the evening when I am sleepy, no amount of coffee can make me feel awake. I can go to bed right after a cup of coffee! Some of my friends tell me that after 3pm they would not dare consume tea or coffee or they would be unable to sleep later in the night! Since the day I was born, I never had a day of insomnia. Problems might be rampant; I might have just ten cents left in my pockets; problems lurked at work; all these would never affect my peace. I would still be able to sleep as soundly as ever!

When I am tired or bored, I would be able to sleep right in the living room with the television still on. Once I fell asleep during a karaoke session! My friends shook their heads in puzzlement.

I thank God for this ability to fall asleep so easily, when others would just turn and turn on their beds. Perhaps my maxim is, "Sleep well into the night; let the following day take care of its own worries!"

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