Saturday, December 20, 2008

Lovely Paper Swan

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I am never good at handwork. Morever the fleshiness of my short fingers makes me even less dexterous.

Hence, when a member of our Speechcraft at Changi Prison presented this lovely paper swan to me with a thank you card to all our volunteers, I was overwhelmed.! These tough looking, tatooed youngsters could be so adroit in such intricate paper work!!

Most of the members were full of gratitude as they realised that others are interested in them, and want them to turn over a new leaf and to improve themselves. It was quite touching to watch their parents fighting back their tears as they presented their children with the certificate of achievement. When these youths realised their mistakes and decided to really strive harder to improve, it made our effort worthwhile. It is indeed worthwhile to wake up very early every Saturday morning and make our way to Changi Prison. It is worthwhile to spend three hours with the youths and see them gradually gaining confidence and speaking with panache.

One of my colleagues thought it was illogical for me as weekends are the busiest days for property agents. However, the few hours of being with the members refresh me and increase my energy and widen my perspectives. Life is not just about work, work, work. It is in giving that we actually receive! We have been so blessed that we want to give back what we have received ....our time, talent and resources.

Wishing all my readers a Happy and Blessed New 2009!!! My favourite quote from Vince Lombardi......It's not whether you get knocked down; it's whether you get up again.

Gan Chau

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