Saturday, December 06, 2008

The One from whom all blessings flow!

"Why are your eyes red? Crying again?" queried my tenant, Jasmin, who had just come back from an outing. Sad movies always make me cry.

"Just now, the movie was very sad. Little Nonya did not have enough money to buy food and had to eat the bananas she found at a makeshift altar on the road," volunteered Anu, my other tenant who had been watching the serial with me.

"Choo, give your dinner to Little Nonya, " Jasmin suggested.

Yes, I have been giving my lunch to the Erhu busker, Mr. Liew, who often plays the erhu whenever I pass by him on my way to the office at Park Mall. Whenever I saw him, I would pass him my lunch. Since I am well-rounded and Mr. Liew is so skinny, he could do with my lunch, and it would not kill me to have one meal less.

However, strangely, every time I gave my lunch away, somehow when I reached my office, I would receive treats from my colleagues.! Sometimes, the cleaner, Aunty Kang, would buy an extra packet of lunch for me; sometimes someone in the company would be giving a generous treat. Truly, we could never outgive the One from whom all blessings flow! He is the same One who looks after the wild flowers on the mountains and the wild birds of the air!

Gan Chau

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