Monday, July 28, 2008

A Durian Treat


One of our Divisional Directors, Raymond Quah, opening up the durains.

Durians of different flavours!

As a child, I was turned off whenever I saw my family members enjoying durians. The pungency of the smell was just too much for my sensitive nose. Sometimes I would even plug pieces of tissue papers into my nostrils so that the smell could be minimised. By the time I took the O level examinations, I never had a taste of the durian.

One early morning, just after midnight, I was rudely awakened by my siblings. They had bought some durians and it was supposed to be a supper treat. Still in my somewhat sleepy state, I suddenly felt someone shoving some durians into my mouth.
I was forced to taste the fruit and to my surprise, the taste was very much better than the smell! Since then, I learnt to take durians, though in small portions. Mom and second sis love the durian the most.

I was pleasantly surprised when our Director, Mr. Chris Koh, came round the office and asked some of us to join him for durians. As the airconditioned office would be permeated with the lingering smell, the durians were eaten on the car park on the sixth floor of Park Mall.

I learnt that almost every year, Mr. Chris Koh would generously treat the staff to durians. I was lucky to be in the office that day. As agents, our time is our own, and we are free to manage our own time.

It is easy to put on weight in our company, because ever so often, there would be treats from different colleagues. However, more important than the food would be the great camaraderie amongst staff and colleagues, something which I treasure very much. This is why whenever someone from another real estate company attempts to recruit some of my colleagues and I, we would politely decline as we are very happy in Dennis Wee Group.


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