Thursday, April 24, 2008

My First Visit to an Indian Restaurant in Little India!


My ex-piano teacher, Kam Yuen Lee and her husband, William, wanted to take my brother Kee Yong and I for lunch. As they both love Indian cuisine, they suggested the Banana Leaf Restaurant at Race Course Road. I do not have a penchant for Indian cuisine, but neither do I want to be a spoil sport. Hence, I gritted my teeth and acceded to their invitation. Frankly, it was the fellowship that was more important to me than the food. Yuen Lee is now staying with her son and we hardly meet. She has also not seen my brother for a long time. Yuen Lee is still as pretty as ever. I remember telling her when I was her student that she reminded me of the Goddess of Mercy, with her grace and gentleness.

I finally broke my own record of entering an Indian restaurant since I moved to Little India about 10 months ago! Everyone had dumb briyani; I preferred plain white rice.

The fish head curry was quite delicious, albeit a little too spicy. The tandoori chicken was lovely. Everyone had second helpings of rice and vegetables except me. It was already quite a feat for me to be able to finish up what was on my banana leaf.

The restaurant is doing a roaring business. The service was good. The waiters were quite amused with my spoken Tamil. Perhaps I may try the food again....maybe after a year.? I am usually quite adventurous, but am not adventurous with what goes inside my tummy!

Gan Chau
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