Thursday, May 08, 2008

Spider Here! Spider There! Spider Everywhere!

Brother and I sent Kam Ning off at Changi Airport. It was my first time at the sparkling new and clean Terminal Three. I remembered the almost mirror-like, well polished granite and marble floors. I looked into the reflection to see whether it was indeed true that ladies with short skirts would be at a disadvantage.
Ning and I were wearing long pants, but we put our imagination to work! A word of advice to ladies, "Wear long skirts or pants!"

While waiting for Ning to reorganise her luggage, brother went into the washroom. He came out grinning from ear to ear. He was laughing at his own folly. He had seen a small spider on the urinal, and was scared that it would jump at him. Hence he moved to the next urinal, and to his surprise there was also another spider. Brother moved to the third urinal and there again was a spider. Suddenly it dawned upon my absent-minded brother that there was a spider print on every urinal! Immediately I told him I would go to the ladies to check. Of course, there was no spider.

When I came out, my brother laughed, "Sis, no spider in the ladies lah. Ladies are supposed to be terrified of spiders. You're so funny!"

"Koko (Brother). Can you take a photo of the spider for me to see?" The curiosity in me got the better of me. Brother had brought his new camera but did not quite know how to use it to take close-up shots.

I went home with mixed feelings. It would be another year before I see Ning again.
I felt happy, for we are so privileged with having such a wonderful and great airport.! Brother especially likes the healthy, cascading plants which from afar, look like a natural curtain! Maybe by next year, brother could take a picture of the spider for me to see, for by then he would have mastered the use of his new camera.

May God continue to bless our little and lovely nation. Let us not just depend on our armed forces, but let us all play a part by being ever so vigilant, to help keep Singapore a safe place to live in!

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