Thursday, May 01, 2008

My Message to Everyone on Labour Day!

Good Morning Dear Readers,

This is Choo at her computer at 4.27a.m. writing a May Day Message. No,I am not a workaholic still at work in the wee hours of the morning. Last night, eldest brother needed help from my tenant, Ashok Kumar Shaw, on the computer. I was tired and dozed off on the massage chair for 2 hours. Hence I am now fresh and wide awake. I prefer to follow my body clock work.

Dear Readers, I am sure we must have worked hard in all that we do. However,it is also important for us to take a rest. A simple reminder? Yet I have seen some people who toil and toil, and only give up when they collapse and have to look up to God from their hospital beds! Pastor Derek Hong had once mentioned that if God cannot get our attention vertically, He has to get our attention horizontally! Remember that all work and no play will make everyone less gay! We need play and rest to rejuvenate us. I pity those children whose parents keep driving them, "Study hard. Work hard". We need to play hard as well as enjoy and have fun.! We need to let our hair down at times, and learn to laugh at ourselves.

Let us not worry if we fall down at times. As Vince Lombardi had said, "Life is not about falling down; it is about getting up again". Remember that every step of failure brings us only closer to our destination of success!

I have learned that sometimes I could try to sell a property with all my might, heart and soul, but my face could turn blue without success! Hence I have learnt that unless the Lord builds the house, I build in vain. Unless the Lord guards the city, the watchman guards in vain. Therefore I always remind my colleagues and myself, "Do your best, and leave God to do the rest."

In summary, it is important that we all have a balanced life style. I once met a man from Penang who was in his 60s. He came to Singapore very often for medical care. Almost every organ in his body had undergone surgery! He had a string of companies and titles to his name. He is a Datuk, one of the highest titles conferred by the King in Malaysia. However he reminds me of a poster which says, "Man spends his life to get wealthy, but at the end he spends all his wealth to get back his life". We want to use our $$$ for fun, vacation, charity, etc. We do not want to use our hard earned money for medical and surgical expenses! Hence it is important that we know the limit of what we can do. Let us not be a slave to our possessions or let possessions possess us!

All of us have 24 hours a day. Let us all use our time well. Let us not be afraid to try new things and discover our potential. Let us explore and learn. As the Chinese say, "Huo dao lau; hsueh dao lau." - means learning is a life long process.

Above all else, let us be happy. Let us find joy in simple things. In whatever work we are doing, let us thoroughly enjoy our work, for work no longer seems like work when we are enjoying ourselves. I had been a typist, secretary, cleaner, housekeeper, babysitter, teacher, chef and property agent and thoroughly enjoyed all that I had done. As papa had always advised, "Whatever you do, give your best shot, and do it with all your heart."

Cheers and Happy May Day! May happiness and fulfilment be ours and forevermore!

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